Join us Sunday mornings for a contemporary-style service (with traditional special music) at 10 AM. Dress is casual and service is about an hour. We partake in communion each Sunday as well.

Kids who want to be part of Children's Church will be dismissed after the Children’s Moment and will be brought back to the sanctuary before our worship service ends.


Any time in the wilderness is difficult and trying. Add not having your basic necessities met as well during that tenure... might even feel like a literal hell. Temptation can often come in the most simple and mundane modes. I mean, what if it is really a need? Why forgo that which can sustain us, even if we are bending the rules just a bit? Facing temptation when we are at our weakness is not so much about what we are lacking in, but why our reliance is taken off of that which can ultimately get us through it.

Join us Sunday morning, as we continue our Lenten series, following alongside Jesus during His time of temptation in the desert, as we discover His journey is no different than ours, one that pushes us to seek total dependence on the Father.