Join us Sunday mornings for a contemporary-style service (with traditional special music) at 10 AM. Dress is casual and service is about an hour. We partake in communion each Sunday as well.

Kids who want to be part of Children's Church will be dismissed after the Children’s Moment and will be brought back to the sanctuary before our worship service ends.


Discipleship. One word. Huge implications. Jesus' last word to his followers was for them "go and make disciples" into all the world. And then he left. No clarification. No how-to-manual. No why. But truth be told, if you're a follower of Jesus, it's because those early disciples did just that... discipled (not to mention, someone, somewhere, discipled you in some capacity for you to believe the gospel message). So, what are we doing to continue the mission of Christ? Why is Jesus' command just as important to us as it was to his first followers?

Join us Sunday morning, as we close out our sermon series, looking and evaluating some of our church traditions that we have more than likely never given a second thought about. To look to, in a new and fresh perspective, the simple answer the question, "Why?"