Join us Sunday mornings for a contemporary-style service (with traditional special music) at 10 AM. Dress is casual and service is about an hour. We partake in communion each Sunday as well.
Kids who want to be part of Children's Church will be dismissed after the Children’s Moment and will be brought back to the sanctuary before our worship service ends.
Innovation has truly brought us all on the journey of what we can only dream to be possible. It has allowed us to make a name for ourselves as achievers for whatever we can dream. The downside though? It becomes quite easy, without a firm foundation in Christ, to make and see ourselves as the "end all, be all." We are the pinnacle of then what it to be worshiped.
Join us Sunday morning, as we continue our sermon series, looking at the things of this world that tend to draw our attention and focus away from One true thing that matters as the foundation for all of our decisions.